March-June 2023

Random photos, minus big trips (Europe, etc) that are covered in other pages.


and crumpets

Dobie helping with yardwork

Memory quilt made by my cousin Shiela out of Kate's old clothes ... delivered some 10 years after the fact. She made three, one for Brie, one for Will, one for Dave
Dobie has an encounter with a coyote while wandering around in the front yard. He's a little more cautious these days.
Trying to brighten up work a bit

Steampunk festival with Eric and Evan; Alison was in Europe with Maddy and Brenna

Dinner with the Morris Family
Brie visit
Poppy, forlorn

Noah in Vietnam

The yard is a jungle with all the rain and humidity

Dinner with Anya since her folks were out of town