The Kethem Campaign is a play-by-Email Fantasy Role Playing (FRP) game (I also publish it in Interregnum); the following writeups include the game plus background/mechanics used to make it playable. The campaign scenario is your typical post-holocaust tale. Humanity, once prosperous and technically advanced (magic tech, of course), gets trashed for reasons not clear at the beginning of the story. One final bastion of civilization (Kethem) survives the long night. Now things seem poised on the edge of turning around, and it is time for adventurous, entrepreneurial types to reclaim mankind's heritage. The question of why the original collapse occurred and whether the factors... or people... that caused it are still around remains (evil chuckle from the shadows).

The story that follows is the actual campaign. The writing is a compendium of my own and the players. I cut and paste the player's comments / conversations into the main text, add anything new or unexpected, send it out and wait for responses. There is some information that I do skip; the battles are many pages of very detailed actions, with die rolls and the like, and are not of real interest.