
The Kethem Campaign - Mechanics


Additional note: Each movement point used lowers cast chances by -2.

Additional personal note: Delrin is outside the building, looking around the corner. He sees Bad Guy 1, and two other bad guys (2 and 3) at the far window. Bad Guys 2 and 3 are changing weapons round 5, dropping heavy crossbows to the ground and pulling swords. Both are in chain.

Additional personal note: Tristan notes TWO bad guys outside, both armed with heavy crossbows, both in chain, both changing weapons round 5 (you can see one crossbowman shot at you and klutzed in the attached numbers sheet). I have not committed you to any particular action for turn 5, tell me what you want to do and I will do it (no matter what you do, you couldn't melee them turn 5 anyway...) if you want to firebeam them, etc. feel free, I will start the next write-up with your spell. If you want to yell for someone to attend to Aron, you will prep at -2 (not forgetting -3 for previous spells).