WARNING, Will Robinson, WARNING!

ok, looks like we stumbled in to the equivalent of the Clerical Mafia or  SuperMasons. Oh, that we had a tactical neutron bomb. we could take out the  badies and capture the library!

Delrin, obviously you must not get within shouting distance of the Master (or  you'll never come back. wonder if the guy is some supervampire, demon or just  magically/ghod-enhanced). if what this guy says is true, that the urakai left  this place intact, it has Major Juice.

what it looks like is that people come here, a percentage get their loyalties  suborned by the Master, and he sends them off as his personal (unsuspecting)  spies back to their original orders. Griss looks like he came and got trapped  (that's why he's fat and can't remember exactly why he's still here). he must  be part of the window dressing. they probably let a percentage come and go  unmolested to advertise the place, periodically grab a few of the tougher  ones (like this Griss) to keep as reserve troops or send off as unwitting  spies, and turn a very select few into their own priests. that Griss seems  pretty powerful himself means the Master is a giant among us mere pygmies.  way too tough for us. we would probably succumb merely to his aftershave  lotion!

actually, this is a pretty clever set-up. these guys can control, or at least  keep tabs on, the happenings of all the major religions, and thereby,  indirectly, control them and their followers. eventually, they'd have moles  at the very highest levels of all the religious orders. wouldn't be surprised  if the moles of some of the religions have made a retreat here mandatory for  promotion in their order, thus lending legitimacy to the place and ensuring  propagation of the bad guys' control!

*i wonder how many of the religions suspect.*

ok, cool. what we have here is a major resource in the library. also in  contacting higher level clerics of many orders who come here legitimately and  aren't ensnared (identifying them may be a problem, but we'll work on it).

i figure delrin can do the following:

1) find out how long this particular Master has been in charge. even-money  says he's the original guy with sequential identities. find out the poop on  who founded the place and why, and who the initial disciples were. either the  founder is the badguy or this place was ursurped early-on by the badguys.  delrin and fuji must be certain *not* to attend services or meet the bossguy  in any way.

2) see if delrin can use the library. Alibi: as a druid, the crystal forest  is a natural for delrin, so shouldn't be too suspicious. he can say he's  searching for an overall pattern to try to understand how the crystal forest  might have come about and how to begin to reverse the damage as his life's  work. this is a bit risky, but if he investigates several topics at once,  maybe they won't see a pattern. he can start with Korbit's Hole, the Sacred  Grove, that spooky place on the coast where everyone throws themself into the  see, and the second orc war with reference to urakai control of Chelto and  mentions of DemonBinder (i still don't get how they could have found it but  lost control of it, much less how we're gonna find it up there). oh, and this  magic harp-thingy of the Trolls, valen's point, the origins and intial  battles of the second war, the crystal forest, etc. (i.e. throw in everything  and the kitchen sink too). this will give us some idea of the types of info  we can find here.

3) we can try to lure Griss out of here, snatch him, deprogram him and add a  high-level druid to our party for a time as his payback to us. (i like this  option.)

4) check out who this party is that is going on a difficult mission and what  it is. if we can find out what it is, maybe we can 'join' them or follow them  and snatch their goodies.

5) find out who and what the ambitious babe is.

6) *DAVE*: is the Assasin Cult considered a religion? the Thugge Cult in  india used to whorship Kali, but it's hard to really call that a religion,  merely a subsect of hinduism. since dom has a wisdom of 18 and sid a charisma  of 18, you'd think they could maybe operate here on a shallow basis and  resist being snagged. but again, this depends on whether the assasins are  considered a religion or not. all we really want to do is use the library,  not shake this place's tree.

7) speaking of tree-shaking, if not too many people suspect this place, we  have another Trump Card in our hand. *Question*: should we ask Corbie to come  clean with us about the Cabal he is in? This place reeks of icky sliminess.  Can't be healthy for anyone, much less us. if we can get some goodie-group  involved in monitoring them/destroying them, we have done the world a favor  and maybe set ourselves up for major moxie (saving the world: all in a day's  work, maybe even some E.P. in it for us: *some* people still think the world  is worth something). Should we give Corbie a call on this one??

8) i think we should put off prying too deeply into the Garden of Solitude  for the time being. sounds very interesting but very risky. delrin: find out  how high and thick the walls are. (don't do a 'birds eye' though, as i'm sure  they will be sensing for that type of spying.): maybe rosebud can do a  reconnoiter (a bit more subtle and involves psionics, not magic per se (i  believe)).

9) best we be on our way before we get sucked in to deeply. once ensnared, i  doubt we can get ourselves out. we could even use this place to ensnare some  of our enemies in the future.

it also occurs to me, that since the nobility of Pranan is fragmented, and if  the religions are the binding glue of the region, and this place controls the  religions, that we are, effectively, at the seat of the government of Pranan.  if we want to deal the dirt on Bethalen Station, or any other dirt, *this* is  the place to do it. ('course, we don't know who we're dealing with here, but  then, do we ever?)